Cherkasy State Technological University (CSTU)
Cherkasy State Technological University (CSTU) is one of leading state educational institutions of Ukraine, which provides state economic branches with the experts in engineering, technological, computer, construction, ecological, economic and philological specialities. At present in CSTU there are 10 faculties, 37 departments which train experts in 11 branches on 20 specialities.
Owing to the implementation of advanced training technologies with a wide use of computers, the teaching and educational process in the University has informational and practical features.
The University is well-known abroad. It is the cooperation with many foreign educational institutions (Lingchoping University in Sweden, Ersted Copenhagen University in Denmark, Strasbourg University in France, Konstanza University and Dresden Mining Academy in Germany) that adds to the positive image of Ukrainian scientists all over the world and favours the increase of the University prestige.