Association of Consulting Engineens of B&H
The Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina has being founded on the founding meeting held in Sarajevo on 29th June 2004 by its founders : Institut IPSA d.o.o. Sarajevo, Akcionarsko društvoPROJEKT Banja Luka, Društvo za inžinjering i marketing AKSA d.o.o. Zenica, IGH-MOSTAR d.o.o. Mostar, Dioničko društvo PROJEKT Tuzla,INTEGRA d.o.o. Mostar and CONEX-mo d.o.o. Mostar.
Members of the Association can become engineering and consulting companies in BH, as well as architectural bureaus, construction companies, financial institutions, law firms and other companies that are interested in promoting the goals of the Association.
The main reason for funding of the association is gathering of legal entities dealing with consulting activity for protection and improvement of their business interest and reputation through affirmation of the professional rules and professional ethics, all in the aim of improving efficiency of business operations in compliance with the rules and international standards.